Work Passes are issued by the Ministry of Labor to control foreigner entrants working in Arstotzka. They are first seen on day 6.
Discrepancies to look for[]
- Entrant's name is different
- Valid work end date – Must match or exceed the duration on the entry permit or access permit. If it fails to do either, the inspector is required to deny the entrant.
- Valid seals – See article on forgery for a list of possible variants.
Fields of work[]
All work passes list a more or less specific field the entrant works in. Gameplay-wise, the field of work only matters between days 12 and 15 when entrants whose field is engineering can be given Messof Anegovych's business cards to unlock the Arstotzkan token and a related achievement on day 16. All possible fields are listed below.
- Accounting
- Agriculture
- Architecture
- Aviation
- Construction
- Dentistry
- Drafting
- Engineering
- Fine arts
- Fishing
- Food service
- General labor
- Healthcare
- Manufacturing
- Research
- Sports
- Statistics
- Surveying