Papers Please Wiki
Green stamp

Entry approval is the action of allowing a person to enter through the border of Arstotzka and is represented by the green visa stamp (opposite of entry denial). 


An entrant should be allowed entry to Arstotzka if they meet the current requirements stated in the immigration protocol, e.g. providing required papers, no discrepancies, valid expiration dates, etc. Approving an entrant with invalid documents or unresolved discrepancies will lead to a citation.

All discrepancies must be resolved before the entrant may enter, unlike entry denial where an entrant can have at least one discrepancy to justify denial.

If a passport has been mistakenly stamped with ENTRY GRANTED, it can be stamped with ENTRY DENIED to overrule. The reverse is not applicable, however.


Approval is marked on a passport with a green stamp showing the text ENTRY GRANTED, the current in-game date (or November 23rd, 1982 in the latest beta), and a shield icon also featured in the Ministry of Admission seals
