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Ezic note day 17

An EZIC note given on day 17 as it appears in the game.

EZIC messengers give the inspector several notes during the game. They contain updates on EZIC operations and instructions on how the inspector can complete tasks for EZIC should he choose to help them.

Messengers will not leave the booth unless the note they gave is opened and given back to the messenger.

All the notes state, "Read quickly return to messenger."

Days 8 or 9[]

Unlike all other EZIC notes, this one is given by Corman Drex.

Day 11[]

Given if Mikhail Saratov was not allowed to enter earlier the same day. In version 1.0.41 and earlier, the message mistakenly says that the second agent would come in two days.

Day 14[]

Given if inspector accepted a 1000 or 2000 credit gift from EZIC at the end of day 11 or 12.

Day 15[]

The wording of the note will change according to how many EZIC agents (Mikhail Saratov, Stepheni Graire, or both, or neither) have been admitted.

If both agents have been denied:[]

If only one agent has been admitted:[]

If both agents have been approved:[]

Day 17[]

Once the note is given back to the messenger, they will give a cipher to identify Marie Escalli (see her page for more information on the cipher). 

Day 20[]

Once the note is given back to the messenger, they will give a packet of poison to the inspector. The poison can be used to kill the assassin mentioned in the note. He is the ninth entrant on day 20.

Day 23[]

The wording of the note will change depending on what happened to Khaled Istom on day 20. Once the note is given back to the messenger, they will give the inspector a silver key to unlock the sniper rifle, say "shoot to kill" and walk away.

If Istom was denied entry but was not poisoned[]

If Istom was admitted and was not poisoned[]

If Istom was poisoned[]

Day 24[]

The note is given regardless of events on day 23 (since letting the Man in Red live is the only way to continue the game past day 23).

Day 27[]

In version 1.0.41 and earlier, the note says, "Government plans to yield to Kolechian demands and further annex Grestin."

Day 31[]

Given only if the inspector has completed at least four EZIC tasks (out of five).
